TEE's or data taps. A tap is a extra read handle on a pipe connection. If the pipe is not yet created the tap will wait for it to be created. A tap does not see any data written to the pipe before the tap was created. Taps are useful to listen in on interactive (2way) pipes as they read the data written to both ends of the pipe.
Try this is 3 separate shells.
type AWNPipe:test/t
type AWNPipe:test
echo > AWNPipe:test "test data"
R option
Read a file. The second end of a pipe can be connected to file automatically. The file name is given after the 'R'.
Create a file 'ram:test' containing some text including the characters '<>&'.
Now try this in a shell.
type AWNPipe:test/h/rram:test
The data from ram:test is read through a modifying pipe.
W option
Write a file. The second end of a pipe can be connected to file automatically. The file name is given after the 'W'.
Create a file 'ram:test' containing some text including the characters '<>&'.
Now try this in a shell.
copy ram:test AWNPipe:test/h/wram:test2
The data from ram:test is copied into a modifying pipe, the pipe automatically
outputs the data into a second file ram:test2 .
L option
Read AND write to an interactive file such as con: . The interactive file name is given after the 'L'.
This is useful to be able to 'tap' into a two way conversation at a con: or other interactive file handle. Instead of opening con: directly, open
Now you can open AWNPipe:test/t to tap the data exchanged with the con:.
V option
This option opens a pipe directly to the clipboard.
type AWNPipe:test/v
You may also specify a clipboard unit, defaults to 0 (the primary clip).
To access clipboard unit 5
type AWNPipe:test/v5
C option
This option allows you to set the clipboard
echo "set this as the clip" >AWNPipe:test/c
You may also specify a clipboard unit, defaults to 0 (the primary clip)
To set clipboard unit 5
echo "set this as the clip" >AWNPipe:test/c5
E option
execute a command . The file name is given after the 'E'. A command is executed with the pipe name as an argument. The pipe name replaces a '%' or is placed at the end. You CAN NOT use a '/' instead of a '%' !.